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Checkpoint 1 – 10 Day Build – E21 S54

Dan The man |

So 10 days is over. Now I'm posting in checkpoints. Every few days I post updates. I won't be working on it as much, so daily updates might not be worth the post, so I'll have probably 3 of these checkpoint postings until I'm done with the car. Some of the things I was going to do if I had the time is - Paint red, Euro Bumper Shortening. I must wait for that for a while.

I've made some progress since day 10. I managed to use the MSS5X binary tool to re-flash my MSS52HP to the specifications below. Remove Post O2 Cats, Remove Secondary Air Pump, Remove EWS, Increase rev limiter, sport mode, changed sport mode settings for my accelerator pedal.

First, I got my license!

capturemss54hp-reflash-snapshot-1 mss54hp-reflash-snapshot-2 mss54hp-reflash-snapshot-3


Then I completed the shifter assembly using Garagistics bushings!img_5280


Wired up the battery cable from the trunk to the starter. I added power wiring to the Fuse Box as well as power to the ECU as well. img_5281 img_5282


Upper Radiator Hose Mocked up. img_5283


Then I went into the details of replacing the oil pump chain and E34 M50 Oil Pumpimg_5286 img_5287 img_5288 img_5290 img_5296 img_5298 img_5299 img_5300


Drilled out the oil pan, tapped with 9/16-18 thread for an O-Ring fitting allowing a barbed hose to drain from the head.  I used a 9/16-18 nut just in case the thinner walled oil pan didn't take the threading. img_5301 img_5302 img_5303 img_5359


Finally I started doing some other preparations, like rebuild the rear calipers and exhaust work. img_5289 img_5294 img_5295


My next post will be in another few days. If I'm lucky, I'll have this thing running and driving by week's end!

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