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E30 Aluminum "IS" Lip Splitter - Installation Instructions

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Garagistic E30 Aluminum IS Lip Splitter K0224 

e30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmw
e30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmw
e30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmw

e30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmw

Please Note -  A raw aluminum unit was used for instruction purposes only but all Garagistic Aluminum IS Lip Splitters will come with a powder coated black finish.


What comes in the box?

  • Aluminum IS Lip Splitter (Left/Right/Center) 
  • Hardware
    • x32 1/4-20 Bolts
    • x4 Stainless Steel M6 Bolts
    • x4 M6 Nylon Nuts
    • x16 Threaded Spacers
    • Washers


  • 4mm Allen Socket or Allen Wrench
  • Drill
  • 1/4in Drill Bit
  • Clamps or Vice Grips


The Garagistic Aluminum "IS" Lip Splitter is only compatible with OEM style "IS" Front Lips (Part #51711968488) designed for late model, plastic bumper E30's. The "IS" lips came from factory on "IS" (sport model) E30s but any E30 with a late model valence equipped can add an "IS" Lip with x10 OEM clips (Part #51711979334) or zip ties.

Installation Steps

Step #1

Install threaded spacers using the 1/4-20 bolts 

e30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmwe30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmw

Step #2

Place your "IS" lip on top of the splitter and place where you desire. You can choose the amount of "stick-out" the splitter has at this step. Once satisfied with placement, clamp the lip to the splitter.

  • Install Tip: We recommend at least 3 clamps, 1 on each end of the lip and one in the center.


e30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmwGaragistic BMW E30 ALUMINUM IS LIP SPLITTER (LATE MODEL) instructions how to install tutorial
  • Install Tip: Be sure to line up the edge of the lip and splitter for best fitment.
Garagistic BMW E30 ALUMINUM IS LIP SPLITTER (LATE MODEL) instructions how to install tutorial

Step #3

Drill a pilot hole through the lip and splitter using a 1/8in drill bit followed by a 1/4in drill bit on the side and corners of the lip.

  • Install Tip: Be sure the clamps are secure and that the lip/splitter do not shift to ensure all the holes line up.
e30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmw
e30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmw
  • Install Tip: For the center section, mark where the holes should be drilled using a small drill bit or marker through the holes as shown in the photos below.
e30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmw
e30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmw

Step #4 

Remove clamps and splitter and drill out the 1/8in pilot holes to 1/4in for the center section of the IS lip.

e30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmw
e30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmw

Step #5

Install the spacers for the remaining holes on the IS Lip.

  • Install Tip: Be sure to install with the hardware on the underside of the splitter first. 
e30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmw
e30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmw

Step #6

Place IS lip back on the splitter and assemble using the rest of the supplied bolts and washers.

e30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmw
e30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmw
  • Install Tip: For the side section holes, we recommend inserting the bolt from the bottom and using the nut on the top side to limit the length the hardware sticks out from the bottom of the car.
e30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmw


e30 derk aluminum is lip splitter installed garagistic bmw
  • For instructions on how to mount an E30 "IS" Lip without using the OEM clips, CLICK HERE.