Here are some common issues that I ran into and hopefully this can help you troubleshoot any problems that you might have. Please don’t hesitate to call or email me and I can help you troubleshoot if you have any issues.
Problem o Possible Cause
Engine won’t even turn over
o Check your Starter wiring. Power to the Starter.
o Check your main relay o Check your C101 Port. Pin 18 for BK/YL wire.
o Is your battery hooked up or properly charged?
o Is your ground cable grounded to the engine & Frame?
o Is your starter functioning properly?
o Does the Starter Solenoid Engage the Ring Gear?
Engine Turns over, but won’t start
o Check your fuel Pump Relay functionality
o Ignition coil hooked up?
o ECU hooked up
o Fuel hooked up backwards
o Need new distributor cap/rotor – Not generating Spark
o Check the wiring of the C101 port to make sure you have fuel pump engaged
Engine idles high
o Too Lean – Check vacuum lines for air leak
Engine idles low o Too rich –
Tachometer not working
o Instrument cluster
o Check the C101 port for the proper pin
Speedometer not working
o Check sensor at differential
Car still overheats
o Thermostat not working
o Fan not “hugging” radiator
o Air in the system – needs to be bled
o If there is no heat in the car, you have air.
Car idles terrible; No power
o Ensure crank sensor is tightened. Check on front flywheel.